Corporate Marketing Director of PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. Agung Wirajaya (third left), Chief Marketing Officer of Kota Podomoro Tenjo Zaldy Wihardja (third right), Chief Operation Officer of Podomoro City Tenjo Puspalily Tanusatrio (second left), Director of PT Era Graha Realty Aan Andriani Sutrisno (left), CEO of Promex Indonesia Sulihin Widjaja (second right), and Executive Director of Century 21 Indonesia Daniel Handojo (right)
Kota Podomoro Tenjo launched 3 new products in the form of millennials home, Edelweiss Garden House, and Ruko Legrandia Arcade in response to the high demand for property products in the Kota Podomoro Tenjo area. Until now, sales of Kota Podomoro Tenjo have reached 5,800 housing units, and are targeted to sell up to 6,600 units by the end of 2024.